Bill Boorman


Well-known founder of #Tru events Bill Boorman focuses on social recruiting integration and infrastructure, keynote speaking, recruiting technologies, recruitment marketing and digital media.

In 2013, his #Tru events hosted more than 100 events in 65 countries. Nowadays the events take place almost every week. They allowed Bill to meet over 2 500 people working in and around recruiting across the globe which gives him a great insight into the market and the necessary technologies.

As a judge for the UK #CandE awards, Bill understands how the HR market is changing. He regularly writes posts for his blog focusing on recruiting and produces monthly white papers. In 2014, he also published his first book The Cult of Work.

Bill is a very popular speaker in the HR community and also a big supporter of our conference. He has already held lectures at the Summit twice and this year he also led a spring training EVOLVE! Masterclass in Brno.